Professional Assessment.
At Hudson Nordic, we work with everything from well-established brands to start-ups. Our clients choose us because they are ready to take their business to the next level and need skilled employees to achieve their strategic goals.
Much of this work is about assessing potential candidates and doing this well. We do this in connection with our own recruitment processes and on behalf of clients who wants an extra objective assessment based on scientifically proven assessment tools.
For this purpose, we provide our clients with our recognize Assessment Center, which makes it possible for us to get even closer to the candidate’s personal and professional competences.

At Hudson Nordic, we have completed over 1,200 Assessment Centers. Our Assessment Center provides our clients with a flexible and tailored approach to Talent Management.
The Assessment Center itself can be adapted to your needs but is typically based on competency-based interviews, psychometric tests and professional role-playing games.
With these tools, we create a nuanced picture of a narrow scope of candidates so that we can give our clients the best starting point for choosing the right candidate for the job – while ensuring a rewarding learning experience for all candidates.
The main pillars in our Assessment Centers
Competency-based Interview.
In the competency-based interview, Hudson Nordic, together with you as a client, has selected specific skills and competencies on which the candidate needs to be assessed. We assess the candidate during an in-depth interview with full focus on identifying the selected competencies. The interview takes 1.5 hours.
Case Presentation.
During the case presentation, the candidate is assigned a case where a solution proposal is to be presented on a predetermined issue. The case material contains everything the candidate needs to solve this assignment, and the client gets the opportunity to ask questions to the candidate. The presentation itself lasts 30 minutes, including questions.
In the role-play, the candidate will have the opportunity to prepare to play in a specific scenario opposite one of our skilled and certified Assessors. The role-playing material contains everything the candidate needs, and the scenario is selected in collaboration with the client.
The purpose of the role-play is to test the candidate in a specific area and on particular competencies. An example could be a difficult conversation between a director and a poorly performing leader.