Blogpost, Oslo, March 2020
Leadership in the moment of truth
In this very moment, the world is in chaos. The pandemic is raging and has fluctuated us into an economic crisis of unknown proportions. The rings in the water have not yet settled and we stand before what Hemingway defined as a moment of truth. A moment that potentially will influence you, both as leaders and as a human.
Throughout your life and career, you have made choices and been put in situations that have shaped you as a person, I believe this is the biggest one yet. A situation that will show the extremes traits your personality and true character will come forward. A key defining moment.
Character is not something you have or not, it can be compared to personality as relatives of strengths of various traits. These forces again are called virtues, which in turn can be understood as the core characteristics of a good person – this across different philosophical directions and religious traditions, regardless of time.
So, in times of change, uncertainty and personal stress, what will define you? In what way will you make an impact?
How can you show wisdom; by being creative, curious, open, willing to learn?
Will you demonstrate courage by being bold and persevering whilst keep your integrity and vitality high?
Compassion is an important virtue in times like these. Can you be loving, generous and socially intelligent?
When talking about justice and character we mean a social strength that tries to influence a social community. We all have a social responsibility to be the best version of our self, and still be just in your relation to others and show leadership.
Exercise moderation, forgive, be humble, cautious and demonstrate self-control.
When times are uncertain have a transcendent mindset, appreciate beauty and excellence. Show gratitude, hope and humour.
These virtues or strengths show character, and that is what we need in dire times like these. So, what kind of person or leader, both for yourself and others, do you want to be? Do you want to take the bull by the horns and make a difference, or leave it up to others to get us through this decisive year?
Is not often that I quote Karl Marx but: “When you change the economic base, you change human behaviour.”
Dare to make a stand and embrace this moment of truth.
Unleash your true potential.
Written by: Thomas Enstad, Senior Consultant at Hudson Nordic Norway –
( / +47 92 63 54 39)